A Chara,

The Glencar/Manorhamilton GAA Club will host there Annual Golf Classic in Blacklion Golf Club on Saturday 11th July 2009.

The format will be a Four Ball with the best two Scores counting on each hole.

Complimentary Tea & Coffee will be available prior to tee off and a buffet carvery lunch will be provided on your return from the course and hopefully you will take home one of the many substantial prizes.

The cost per teams which includes the meal, works out at €200.00 and we are looking for your support in providing much needed funding for the development of our Club and the provision of much needed facilities for the youth of the parish.

If you are unable to join us on the day, you might consider sponsoring a Tee at €50.00 where your name will be prominently displayed on the day.

Our inaugural Golf classic last year was a great success, thanks mainly to generous sponsorship and support received. This was greatly appreciated and acknowledged.

Again, all sponsors will be acknowledged and you might please contact Mr. Patrick Mc Morrow at 086-8973339 to book your Tee time.

Mise le meas,

Patricia Clancy, Runa



12-Jun-09 by Submitted

Drumkeerin are as busy off the field as they are on it with the launch this week of their brand new website.  County final week is a good week to launch the site which is just finished.  It is a very polished affair and full of very interesting pages including a very informative section on the clubs history.  The lotto, news, fixtures and photo gallery are just a few of the sections included in the site design. 

The site is designed by Francis Redican who has utilised modern programming methods to produce a fast dynamic site.  The colour schemes and navigation menus are easy on the eye and very effective.

Well done to Francis and all concerned,  the club can definately be proud of this fine production as they prepare for the Intermediate final on Saturday.

Link to the Drumkeerin Website  




01-Oct-08 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

Croke Park Insurance Input

Mr Roger Clancy ‘Risk and Insurance Manager, Croke Park will attend next Monday nights meeting of Coiste Chontae Liatroma.

All clubs are reminded of this opportunity to bring their Insurance knowledge up to date. All club Insurance Officers or who ever deals with day to day Insurance issues at their club are expected to attend. This follows a request at last County Board meeting for further information on Insurance Cover etc..




08-Sep-08 by PJ Meehan

Des Cahill is hitting the road again.

The championship season is under way now and just like every county team, The Road to Croker team are working on our fitness and ball skills for what will hopefully be another epic journey.

After visiting clubhouses all over the country last year, Des and his team are looking for venues for a programme each week this summer.

If you want to put your club on the map this is your perfect chance, with a large audience nationwide tuning in every week. If your club is featured it will also be the meeting point for some of the stars of the games, as Des chats with the people at the front line of the championship action.

If your club would be interested in hosting The Road to Croker, please send us an email telling us about you to:

Fintan Walsh

Briefly outline why your club would be a great host in every sense.

Please include measurements (including height) of your bar/function room where our studio could be temporarily situated, and also a few pictures of the area from different angles if possible.

Dont forget to include your own contact details.

We looking forward to hearing from you and who knows, maybe the eyes of the country will be on your club this summer!



28-May-08 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

All clubs are reminded of the above Development Programme which takes place on Monday 28th January in Pairc Sean. It is very important that all club main officers avail of this opportunity to assist and enlighten them in their individual roles.

A national roll-out of this development is taking place in each county and on 28th January all Leitrim Clubs are being accomodated. Facilitators from other regions will attend on the night to conduct the programme.

Roles and responsibilities of individual club officers are outlined on this website under the Club Development menu link.



15-Jan-08 by PJ Meehan

A club forum will be held in Croke Park on Saturday February 9th. The forum will take a much different format to similar events held in the past. It will consist of a series of workshops, covering all areas of GAA activity. The feedback from these workshops will be used to help direct and develop Association policy.



Each county will be asked to send 10 club representatives, one for each workshop and will be requested to ensure that the representatives will not be County Board officials, but rather club officers in the county. The event is therefore more of a ‘club views’ research day.



The Organisation, Planning and Development Committee will be in contact with you in due course with further information.



If you have any queries in the meantime, please contact Kieran Leddy in Croke Park on 087-6423011.



10-Jan-08 by Croke Park

Chairperson / Cathaoirleach

The Qualities of an Cathaoirleach
An Cathaoirleach is a leader and a Manager. He/She must have:

– Dedication – the G.A.A. and the Club must come high in his/her priorities
– Knowledge – He/She must prepare by knowing what the G.A.A. is all about. He/she must become familiar with ‘An Treoraí Oifigiúil

– Power of Persuasion – He/she is not a dictator. He/she must be able to motivate and handle people.
– Integrity – He/she is the symbol of the Club and has a good standing in the community.


We will not always get the ideal Cathaoirleach. We may even find it difficult sometimes to get one at all!

But we should do our best to get someone.
– who has time to do the job
– who is a genuine interest in the Association and the necessary background knowledge
– who has a good standing in the community
– who has leadership qualities.


General Duties

The duties of an Cathaoirleach may be summed up as follows:
– To uphold the constitution of the Association. This of course means that he/she must know it thoroughly. He/she
– To act as Cathaoirleach at certain committee and other meetings.
– To strive continuously to improve the club; this involves full co-operation with the other office holders.
– To represent the club at various functions
– To act on behalf of the club in the interval between meetings.

We will now move on to the role of the Cathaoirleach at meetings. This begins in advance of the meeting when an Cathaoirleach should prepare or obtain an agenda; certainly he/she should know what will be on the agenda for the meeting (very often he/she will draft the agenda with the Club Secretary). He/she will decide what the priorities of the meeting are with the intention of getting those matters finalised, leaving unimportant matters to be decided at a later date if necessary. He/she ensures to be at the venue of the meeting before the appointed time so that he/she and the Secretary can discuss the agenda.

The Cathaoirleach role at the meeting is by far the most important of his/her functions. Most of the essentials are referred to in the Club Manual.

The efficient transaction of committee business calls for set procedures. The extent to which these are put into force varies a good deal. Generally, the contributions of individual members are limited by rules which are interpreted and applied by the Cathaoirleach. These rules of procedure are designed to help keep order and to enable sound and acceptable decisions to be reached quickly and with least effort.

Broadly speaking. the rules of procedure will ensure:
– That, for practical purposes, the majority decision is the right one
– That at a committee meeting the majority vote will represent the committees opinion
– That the minority will agree with the majority ruling


A Few Important Points:
– The Cathaoirleach has more authority than any other member of the committee; An Cathaoirleach should ensure that the meeting is effective. He/she must guide but not lead.

– The responsibility for seeing that the meeting achieves its purpose rests with the Cathaoirleach. He/she must decide priorities to see that the important things are dealt with.

– He/she must keep to the point and see that others do likewise. He/she must not allow talkative members to dominate the meeting.

– He/she must close discussion on a subject when it has gone on long enough: summarise the points made and make sure that members understand the decision/s they are taking.

– He/she should see that all speakers address the Chair and do not engage in cross-talk with each other. This formality should be followed even at small committee meetings.

– He/she should be tolerant to reasonable interjections but prevent excess heckling.

– He/she should adopt a neutral attitude and remain impartial especially where a matter is contentious.




30-Dec-07 by PJ Meehan – Development Officer

Club Secretary

The post of Secretary is one of the vital links in any organisation and this is true of the GAA Club Secretary also. His/her duties are many and varied and call for a high degree of dedication.

Working closely with the Cathaoirleach, the Secretary has more to do with the practical running of the Club than any other member and should be carefully chosen for this position.

The post of Secretary is one of the vital links in any organisation and this is true of the GAA Secretary also. His/Her duties are many and varied and call for a high degree of dedication. These duties dovetail with those of the Cathaoirleach and it is essential that they work as a team of which the Secretary will very often be the more active one.

The Secretary has more to do with the practical running of the Club than any other member; he/she must therefore be carefully chosen.

He/she should be a good organiser, tidy and methodical, tactful and friendly and
above all reliable.

A good Club Secretary means there is good management of administration of the Club. Club management is not an end in itself. Our job is to enable people to enjoy and play our games, to develop the games and to further the social and community aims of the Association. The level of administration should therefore be the minimum to achieve
these aims.

The great difference in size and range of activities of Clubs, and between rural and urban areas make it impossible to impose standard methods; that would not be desirable in any event. Flexibility in the local situation is important.

These notes may not always be relevant to your situation but the general principles will apply no matter what the size
of your Club.

Even in amateur organisations, the members and the general public now demand professional standards of administration by voluntary officials.

– Meetings: Work before, during and arising out of meetings, including the Annual General Meeting.
– Records: Keeping records and files of Club activities, including membership
– Correspondence: Match notices, letters, filling in forms etc

A Club should hold regular committee meetings even if at times there appears to be little to be done. Coming together may spark off some needed activity ! It is helpful to specify a night say, last Thursday of the month or Thursday of each week.

At the first Club meeting of the season, all should agree on a time and meetings should begin at that time. Punctuality is merely a habit. Meetings should also close formally so that everyone, including the Secretary, is quite clear when the business is concluded. Essential business should be transacted first. A good deal can usually be left over for the "chat" after the meeting. This enables those who want to leave to do so.

The secretary usually calls a meeting. If held weekly, no notices are necessary unless there is something special on
the agenda. In that case, members should be told about it in advance so they can think it over. For monthly meetings,
written notices with an agenda should be issued.

There should always be an agenda for a meeting, though not necessarily distributed to all members. Unless the members are very familiar with it, the Cathaoirleach should read the agenda; this prevents members raising matters at the wrong time.The Cathaoirleach and Secretary should meet before the meeting and go through the agenda. An agenda could be on the following lines:
– Minutes
– Matters Arising
– Correspondence (for letters, etc. not relevant elsewhere on the agenda)
– Report from County Committee or Divisional Committee
– Fixtures and Transport ( to decide on …regarding fixtures , to discuss ….regarding transport)
– Finance
– Fund-Raising
– Other activities
– Other Business (only matters of minor importance to be dealt with here)

It is always helpful to members to give an indication of the exact business to be dealt with under common headings such as Fixtures, Finance and Transport etc. – this way members come to a meeting better prepared to participate. The Secretary must prepare the business for the meeting, i.e. get together any information that may be needed. He/She should also check back on the minutes of the last meeting to see that action has been taken as required. The Secretary should make all the physical arrangements for the meeting.

During the meeting, the Secretary must record the attendance of each member and apologies for absence. The Secretary takes a note of decisions reached. He/She should not try to write everything down, but should follow the sense of the discussion, listening for key points. If in doubt about decisions, the Secretary should ask for clarification.

The Secretary may have to assist the Cathaoirleach in the conduct of the meeting and ideally both officers should work together to get the meeting over quickly.

One of the problem areas at GAA Club committee meetings is that of match reports as the games tend to be played all over again! This trend must be resisted but meetings should end inÓgood time to enable "informal" discussion to take place afterwards.

After the meeting, the Secretary must write the minutes. This should be done as soon as possible. Usually minutes should only record what was dealt with and what decisions were taken. But sometimes the main points raised in a discussion may need to be recorded. Do not give a verbatim account. Minutes should be written in a proper Minute

The special requirements of the Club Annual General Meeting are dealt with in the Club Manual.

The Club Secretary is responsible for keeping records of matches, venues, dates and winners. He/She should also arrange for membership records, unless there is a separate Membership Secretary. Simple files about various Club activities should be kept as all such items will be sought for the compilation of a Club History or a Centenary Year
Book etc. A petty cash book is also necessary for recording payments of small cash amounts, i.e. postage, telephone calls, etc.


The Club Secretary will be the main link with the Divisional Board or County Committee. He/She should deal expeditiously with all correspondence, if necessary after consulting with the Cathaoirleach. He should use a well designed Club letter heading and keep copies of all important letters.

The Club Secretary, if he/she has a good knowledge of Irish, can do a great deal to promote it in simple ways, both oral and written. The booklet "An Sloinnteoir Gaeilge agus an t-Ainmneoir" is an essential booklet for the Club Secretary. A good source book for GAA terminology is the Report of the Commission on the GAA which was printed bilingually.

‘An Treoraí Oifigiúil

The Club Secretary must always have a current copy of the Official Guide. He/She should be familiar with the provisions dealing with Club activities.




30-Dec-07 by PJ Meehan – Development Officer

An Cisteoir – ( Club Treasurer )

Looking after the Club funds is his/her main responsibility. Managing the day to day accounts, dealing with financial institutions on behalf of the club. The post carries with it the portrayal of a good image of the GAA at community level.

Duties of the Club Treasurer.
– Receive money on behalf of the club
– Lodge all monies to the club accounts
– Pay money out on behalf of the club
– Keep a record of all transactions
– Enter transactions in Income and Expenditure Books
– Give receipts for money received and get receipts for money paid out
– Keep receipts on file, make all payments by cheque
– Keep all bank statements, cheque stubs, and lodgement records
– Collect all fees due to club and forward all relevant fees through An Runai to appropriate bodies
– Present an up-to-date financial statement to each club meeting
– Prepare Annual Financial Statement and Balance Sheet for Club AGM.

Ideally the Treasurer should chair the club finance committee and be aware of club?s financial situation especially if funds are getting low. Reporting to club executive committee the treasurer is seen as the Club Planner, Organiser, Controller, Recorder and Reporter.
This is above all a position of trust and the careful selection of people for the job goes without saying.

This is a guide to some of the main roles of the treasurer.



30-Dec-07 by PJ Meehan – Development Officer

PRO ( Club Public Relations Officer )

Person holding this position is responsible for the quality of publicity given to the Club and the GAA as an organisation. He/She is the link with the general public on behalf of the Club.

Duties include
1. Make sure to have a weekly club column published
2. Submit an article and a fixtures list on a weekly basis by the local paper deadline
3. Submit results weekly
4. Submit articles on GAA activities re social events, presentations, features on ongoing club activities, features on individual players both club and inter-county, colleges and interfirms etc..
5. Submit quality photographs for publication
6. Report on Club AGM
7. Publicise material on matters such as fund-raising activities, special development projects, co-operation with other organisations in community projects
8. Prepare an Annual Report and present it to the Club AGM

Publications covering the general club/community area
Arrange with editors of local publications ( local paper notes, chuch bulletins,local radio etc ) to include articles of interest. Arrange with local radio to have club events included in sports programmes on a regular basis.

General work methods:
Operate a system whereby the club PRO or Runai supplies the County PRO with information on a regular basis.
Provide the National PRO with information on a regular basis.
Work as a team with other Club Officers
All information for publication should come through the PRO.

Encourage the Club to have a high standard in its presentation of games, functions and other events.
Present Cumann Luthlhleas Gael in the best possible light.
Use AnÓgaeilge when possible.

Those are a few of the general ongoings for a Club PRO and a more detailed job spec will be made available at the upcoming training for club officers.



30-Dec-07 by PJ Meehan – Development Officer

Club Delegate to County Board

Responsibilities and Duties

1. To contribute on behalf of his/her Club, to the effective administration of County Board Affairs

2. To represent Club interests and views at County Board meetings

3. To ensure regular, appropriate and accurate communication between Club and County Board committee


Duties include:

To attend all County Board Meetings

To partake, as required in discussion and decision making with regard to County Board matters.

To express, as appropriate, club views/needs at County Board level ( the Delegate must take regular briefings from Club Executive in order to carry out this task).

To report, at least monthly, to Club Executive on County Board matters

To convey general information

To keep Club Executive advised on Club fixtures subject to official confirmation by An Runai Contae.

InÓgeneral the County Board Delegate is the link between the Club and County Board. If your Club wishes to know anything from County Board meetings, then ask your Delegate who attends/represents you.



30-Apr-05 by PJ Meehan – Development Officer

The Club Development Officer.

The Club Development Officer acts as the club link with the County Development Officer or County Development Committee.

It is recommended that Clubs appoint a Development Officer to allow for improved communication and better coordination of development matters between County Development/Committee and the Clubs.

It is suggested that the Club Development Officer be appointed from within the Club Executive or Management Committee after the Annual General Meeting i.e. the first Executive meeting. Because it is rarely possible for an officer responsible for immediate day-to-day activities to devote time to planning and development, the person appointed should not already hold office, particularly the office of Chairperson, Secretary or treasurer.

There are unlimited opportunities for development in every Club. The Club Development Officer will not be able to tackle every development necessary in their Club but should select certain immediate Club needs and concentrate on them.

Duties of the Development Officer.

Priority areas:
(a) Club Development & Administration to improve the general organisation and efficiency of the Club unit.

(b) Physical Facilities – Look after grounds and property and ensure all Club Property is vested.

(c) Community – The Development Officer should avail of opportunities for assistance by units of the GAA in appropriate community activities especially those aimed at improving the quality of life for persons who are disadvantaged by virtue of age, health or social and economic circumstances.

(d) Resource Centre: The Development Officer should be known within the club to be the person who can provide Development information, reference material, guidelines (which can be sourced at Central Office)

The Club Development Officer would.
– Work with other officers for the general good of the Club
– Encourage and support officers and committees which are working effectively already.
– Ensure that the Club assists with the development of the games in local schools.
– Assess the needs and plan for the future development of the Club.
– Work closely with the County Development Officer and Committee.



20-Apr-05 by PJ Meehan – Development Officer