The two semi finals of Scór na nÓg take place this weekend in Ballinamore on Saturday and in Carrick on Shannon on Sunday. Both evenings promise a feast of entertainment and in total there will be 18 clubs taking part, which is two more than last year.

The clubs taking part on each night are as follows:

Saturday in Ballinamore Community Centre starting at 6.00pm:
Fenagh St Caillins, Eslin, Aughnasheelin, Allen Gaels, Mohill, Seán OHeslins, Drumreilly, Aughawillan.

Sunday in St Marys Hall, Carrick on Shannon starting at 3.00pm:
Glencar/Manorhamilton, Leitrim Gaels, Bornacoola, Kiltubrid, Dromahair, Carrigallen, St Marys, Annaduff, Ballinaglera, Aughavas.



26-Nov-07 by Seán Ó Suilleabháin

Just two weeks to go to Scór na nÓg and all entries must be in by Friday next. The two venues are: Ballinamore on Saturday 1 December starting at 6.00pm and St Marys Hall, Carrick on Shannon on Sunday 2 December starting at 3.00pm.

Clubs are reminded to have their entries in with Rúnaí, Máire Mulvey, by this Friday at the latest and the line out of clubs for each night will then be decided.



20-Nov-07 by Scór

Scór na mBunscoileanna

There were two great nights of entertainment in Scór na mBunscoileanna in Gortletteragh on Thursday and in Ballinamore on Friday. Both nights had great crowds in attendance and a wonderful line up of the best in Irish culture, music, song and dance.

Seventeen schools took part over the two nights. On Thursday night the schools taking part were: Droim Míle, Achadh Easa, Maothail buachaillí agus cailíní, Barr na Cuille, Carraig Álainn, Gaelscoil Liatroma, Fíonach, Gort Leitreach. In Ballinamore on Friday the schools were: Cill Tiobraid, Scoil Naomh Pádraig, Béal an Átha Móir, Scoil Naomh Bríde, Béal an Átha Móir, Scoil Naomh Clár, Cluainín, Achadh na Sileann, Achadh Mhaoileann, Droim Liath, Liatroim.

The best performance on each night in each event got medals and the Cormac MacGiolla shield for the best school overall was won by Aughnasheelin. The shield was presented to Jerome Quinn, Príomh Oide by Ailbhe McGill.

Bhí caighdeán ana ard ar an dá oíche agus bhí obair dheachair ag na moltóirí ó Chontae Longfoirt. Seo iad na torthaí ar an dá oíche:

Thursday nights winners in Gortletteragh:
Trath na gCeist: Aughavas
Rince Foirne: Bornacoola,
Amhranaíocht Aonair: Méabh Donohoe, Drumeela
Grúpa Ceoil: Aughavas
Rince Aonair: Clara Reid, Bornacoola
Aithriseoireacht: Gráinne Ní Mháille, Carrigallen
Nuachleas: Fenagh
Ceol Aonair: Niamh Maguire, Aughavas
Bailéad Grúpa: Mohill
Rince seit: Bornacoola

Friday nights winners in Ballinamore:
Tráth na gCeist: Ballinamore Boys NS
Rince Foirne: Drumlea
Amhranaíocht Aonair: Megan ODonnell, Aughnasheelin
Grúpa Ceoil: Drumcong
Rince Aonair: Declan Byrne, Manorhamilton
Aithriseoireacht: Fintan Fitzpatrick, Aughnasheelin
Nuachleas: Aughnasheelin
Ceol Aonair: Cathleen Timmons, Drumcong
Bailéad Grúpa: Aughnasheelin
Rince seit: Aughnasheelin




11-Nov-07 by Scór

Scór na mBunscoileanna -Dátaí

The following are the venues and participating schools:

Déardaoin 8 Samhain i nGort Leitreach ag 6.30

Droim Míle
Achadh Easa
Barr na Cuille
Carraig Álainn
Gaelscoil Liatroma

Aoine 9 Samhain i mBéal an Átha Móir ag 6.30

Droim Cong
Scoil Naomh Padraig, Béal an Átha Móir
Scoil Naomh Bríde, Béal an Átha Móir
Scoil Naomh Cláir, Cluainín
Achadh na Sileann
Achadh Mhaoileann
Droim Liath

Other schools will be added on Monday



31-Oct-07 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

Scór News

Scór na mBunscoileanna

There is just over a week to go to Scór na mBunscoileanna and with all schools on their mid-term break this week, some schools still have to confirm their entries. Any school that hasnt done so please ring Maura Mulvey by next Monday evening at the latest. Details of which school is at which venue will be on the website on Wednesday evening.

The two venues are: Gortletteragh on Thursday 8 November and Ballinamore on Friday 9 November, both evenings starting at 6.30pm. Both evenings will start with Trath na gCeist as the first item, so schools are asked to heave their quiz teams there promptly at 6.30. The Trath na gCeist will be run as a table-type quiz. All of the other items will follow in the normal Scór order with Rince Foirne first, followed by solo singing, ceol uirlise, recitation, bailéad ghrúpa etc.

Scór na nÓg

Preparations are in full swing in many clubs for Scór na nÓg which will be on 8 and 9 December in Ballinamore and Carrick on Shannon respectively.



29-Oct-07 by Sean O Suilleabhain

Scór na mBunscoileanna


Dates have now been set for Scór na mBunscoileanna and details have been circulated to all schools in Leitrim this week. This competition which was started in Leitrim three years ago by the late Cormac MacGiolla has now spread to a number of counties. In Leitrim there has beenÓgood participation up to now from the schools of the county and it is hoped many more schools will take part this year.


Like last year there will be competitions for solo dancers and solo musicians in addition to the regular eight Scór competitions in Rince Foirne, Amhranaíocht, Ceol Uirlise, Aithriseoireacht, Nuachleas, Trath na gCeist, Bailéad Ghrúpa agus Rince Seit. The last date for receipt of entries is 26 October.


The venues are:

Thursday 8 November in Gortletteragh GAA Centre starting at 6.30

Friday 9 November in Ballinamore Community Centre starting at 6.30


There will be medals for the winners of each event on each night and the Cormac MacGiolla Shield will go to the best school from the two nights.


Scór na nÓg


Dates have also been set for Scór na nÓg and they are as follows


Semi Finals

Saturday 8 December in Ballinamore Community Centre starting at 6.00

Sunday 9 December in St Marys Hall, Carrick on Shannon starting at 3.00




Sunday 6 January 2008 in Bee Park Centre, Manorhamilton starting at 3.00


Scór Sinsear

Although it is a long while away yet, dates and venues have also been set for next years Scór Sinsear and they are as follows:


Semi Finals

Friday 29 February in Bornacoola starting at 8.00

Saturday 1 March in Drumreilly starting at 8.00



Saturday 8 March in Bee Park Centre, Manorhamilton starting at 8.00



09-Oct-07 by Sean O Suilleabhain

As Leitrim supporters and competitors headed for Killarney on Saturday last their hopes of winning All Ireland Scór titles were never higher. With no less than five clubs from Leitrim taking part, something that no other county had on the day, it was reasonable to expect at least one or two titles would come our way. However, when you get to an All Ireland Final, you are meeting the cream of Leinster, Munster and Ulster and sometimes the winners from those provinces have travelled a harder route than Leitrim folk have done.

When the night’s performances on stage had come to a close, there was a general agreement among Leitrim supporters that we would be lucky to win in any of the five and so it turned out to be. However, there are times when one is cautiously optimistic and sometimes it turns out right.

[b]Rince Foirne, Amhranaíocht[/b]

In Rince Foirne, Glencar/Manorhamilton were competing against the winners from the previous two years: St Edna’s, Tyrone and Spa from Kerry. The Kerry champions won again. In Amhránaíocht Aonair Sinéad Egan from Aughnasheelin was probably closest to winning. It was the general consensus that it was between Sinéad and the girl from Dublin’s Erin’s Hopes but it went to the Capital.

Dublin clubs are seldom seen at this level in Scór but Erin’s Hopes have come big into it in the past couple of years and they became only the seventh club ever to win two Senior Scór titles on the same night when the added the Ceol Uirlise to the Amhránaíocht Aonair. Dromahair performed well but this was a competition with an exceptionally high standard.

[b]Question Time and Novelty Act[/b]

In Tráth na gCeist Bornacoola were faced with three clubs who had all won All Ireland’s before in this event. Rathmore from Kerry were the winners again. Of the five events in which Leitrim were represented the highest hopes rested with Fenagh St Caillin’s in Nuachleas. They were an experienced group and their act brought the house down on all occasions before Killarney. For some reason it never took off on Saturday and indeed neither did any of the other acts to the extent one would have expected. Overall the Novelty acts this year did not produce any great entertainment in an otherwise good programme. The winners were the very talented group from Lisnaskea, Co Fermanagh.

[b]A Wonderful Occasion[/b]

Failure to win All Irelands did not take away form what was a wonderful occasion and the Kerry venue leads itself to a great night’s enjoyment, which extends far beyond the stage performance. The music and song extended into the small hours of the morning as all the competitors, win or lose, mingled and entertained their supporters with ceol agus craic in a manner that would not happen at any other more central venue. As the crowds from the four corners of Ireland assembled on Sunday morning before going home any disappointments were quickly forgotten as the wonderful occasion of Scór All Ireland was talked about and the thoughts of next year were already being hatched.



30-Apr-07 by S O S

There were no winners for Leitrim or Connacht in the All Ireland Scór Finals held in Killarney yesterday.

Leitrim had 5 teams representing Connacht in the Competition.

A more detailed report and list of winners will be available tomorrow.



29-Apr-07 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

Saturday will be a big day for the Leitrim Scór fraternity with five clubs heading for the All Ireland Finals in Killarney. This is the highest representation Leitrim has had in a Senior All Ireland Scór Finals since 1984.

All five clubs are no strangers to Scór All Irelands and in fact all five have been involved in those same events over the past few years. Fenagh in Nuachleas and Glencar/Manorhamilton in Rince Foirne have been successful already at the highest level but Dromahair in Ceol Uirlise, Bornacoola in Tráth na gCeist and Sinead Egan from Aughnasheelin in Amhránaíocht have been in the finals before but didn’t succeed at that level.

It will be a great occasion for Leitrim folk with big numbers traveling and it will be a surprise if Leitrim do not come back with more All Irelands to their credit.



23-Apr-07 by S O S

Every three years the National Coiste Scór holds a congress at which motions for the betterment of Scór are discussed. This year a national congress will be held in July.

Leitrim Coiste Scór invites clubs to submit any motions which they think should be forwarded to the Scór Congress. Motions should be submitted by club secretaries to the Co Scór Rúnaí, Maire Mulvey before Friday 27 April. There will then be a County Scór meeting on 8 May to discuss any motions received.

InÓgeneral any proposals that would help to promote or develop Scór on a national basis would be welcome.



17-Apr-07 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

Five Connacht Titles for Leitrim in Scór

Leitrim’s dominance in Scór came to the fore once again when Leitrim won an amazing five Connacht titles out of the eight competitions at the finals in Ballinamore on Saturday night last.

Rince Foirne

Glencar/Manorhamilton won the Rince Foirne Connacht title for the fifteenth time since 1983. They are undoubtedly the Figure Dance specialists in Connacht and this was also their fifth year in a row to win in Connacht. They will now be hoping to win a third All Ireland title in Killarney. Unfortunately the number of entries was at its lowest ever in Connacht as only Leitrim and Roscommon competed but that would not have stopped Glencar/Manorhamilton in any case.


There was a full line up of all Connacht counties in the Solo Singing and Aughnasheelin’s Sinéad Egan did extremely well to win this title. Last year Sinéad was a member of the Aughnasheelin Ballad Group that won the All Ireland and she will keep the club’s interest alive in this year’s finals. Sinéad was previously in the All Ireland Finals in Solo Singing in 2000 and she will be hoping to go that final step this year.

Ceol Uirlise

Dromahair’s instrumental music group of Stephen McInerney, Noel McMahon, Sean Conlan, Brid Donaghue and Ann Conlan reached the All Ireland Finals two years ago and now they are back in the final again when they won ahead of Roscommon and Sligo

Trath na gCeist

There was stiff competition in the Question Time with all counties taking part including former All Ireland winners Clann na nGael. Bornacoola scored 52 out of a possible 60 and were well clear of everyone else. This will be Bornacoola’s third time in the All Ireland Final in Question Time and Aidan Dockery, Liam Rabitte and Fergal MacGiolla will be hoping it will be third time lucky.


Well the Novelty Act is certainly Leitrim’s specialty and Fenagh have kept that tradition strong. They were worthy winners on Saturday and they will be hoping to repeat their win of two years ago in Killarney. Their actors this year are: T P McLoughlin, Eileen, Martin, Betty, and Kevin Doonan, Séamus Mollaghan, Shane O’Rourke and Maureen McLoughlin.

Leitrim’s competitors in Recitation, Ballad Group and Rince Seit were also very much in the running but just didn’t make it. Now it is on to Killarney on 28 April and Leitrim will have a huge contingent going with representation in five events from five different clubs. This is Leitrim’s best representation ever in an All Ireland Scór Sinsear finals apart from the memorable year of 1984 when Leitrim won no less than seven of the eight events.



02-Apr-07 by S O S

Manorhamilton has become the choice venue for Leitrim Scór Finals and it was another great occasion on Saturday last with a full house and great entertainment for the audience. Five clubs shared the list of winners with Glencar/Manorhamilton, Aughnasheelin, Bornacoola getting two each and Dromahair and St Caillin’s one each.

Rince Foirne

Bornacoola, St Mary’s and Glencar/Manorhamilton were the contenders and the old reliables, Glencar/Manorhamilton, won again with Ciara Flynn, Amanda Sweeney, Nicole O’Hara, Louise Loughlin, Emmet McMorrow, Michael J Rooney, Aidan McLoughlin and Shane Connaire doing the dancing.

Amhranaíocht Aonair

Dromahair, Sean O’Heslins, Leitrim Gaels and Aughnasheelin were represented in Solo Singing and Aughnasheelin’s Sinéad Egan won the Leitrim title for the fourth time in recent years.

Ceol Uirlise

There were three groups in the music, Aughnasheelin Dromahair and Bornacoola. Dromahair’s group of Sean Conlan, Stephen McInerney, Ann Conlan, Brid Donaghue and Noel McMahon repeated their success of two years ago.


There were new faces in this competition with Bornacoola, Aughawillan, St Osnatts and Glencar/Manorhamilton involved and a new winner with Louise Staunton winning for Bornacoola. Thus Bornacoola retained the title won last year by Aidan Dockery.

Bailéad Ghrúpa

After their victory in the All Ireland Finals in Killarney last year, Aughnasheelin had just there of last year’s group on stage: Brendan Sammon, Sinéad Egan and Síle McNulty. This year they were joined by Fiona and Shane McNulty and they won again ahead of Bornacoola, St Mary’s and Glencar/Manorhamilton.

Trath na gCeist

One has to back as far as 1989 to find any club other than Bornacoola and Sean O’Heslins winning the Question Time. Since O’Heslins faded off the scene Bornacoola are now the strongest in the question time and they won well ahead of St Caillin’s, Glencar/Manorhamilton and St Mary’s. Bornacoola’s team was: Aidan Dockery, Liam Rabbitt and Fergal MacGiolla


This was probably the most exciting competition of the night with four very original and well constructed acts from Aughnasheelin, St Caillins, Bornacoola and Dromahair. Fenagh, with their All Ireland experience from two years ago to boost them were worthy winners again. Their actors were: T P McLoughlin, Betty Doonan, Séamus Mollaghan, Shane O’Rourke, Kevin Doonan, Martin Doonan, Eileen Doonan and Maureen McLoughlin.

Rince Seit

There was good entertainment here also with Bornacoola, last years winners, Glencar/Manorhamilton, Aughnasheelin and St Caillins involved. The winners were Glencar/Manorhamilton.

Club of the Year

The award went again to Bornacoola, as they were the only club to enter in all eight competitions at the semi final stage. The award was presented by Gerry McGovern, Cathaoirleach of the Co Board to Martina Hackett, Bornacoola’s Scór Officer. The whole night was under the excellent control of Fear a Tí; Sean Mac Suibhne.

Connacht Finals

The Connacht Finals are in Ballinamore Community Centre on Saturday next starting promptly at 6.00pm. There will undoubtedly be a full house in Ballinamore so supporters are advised to be there early.



25-Mar-07 by S O S