The two Leitrim Senior Scór semi finals were held at the weekend in Bornacoola on Friday and on Saturday in Drumreilly. Bornacoola was packed on Friday night and there was a great line-up in all events. The Saturday night was a bit slacker in Drumreilly when a number of clubs had to bow out for one reason or another.

Overall, 13 clubs took part which is an increase of two on last year. Kiltubrid, St Osnatts and Melvin Gaels were back taking part this year.

The following are the qualifiers for the Finals in Manorhamilton on Saturday week 24 March:

Rince Foirne: Glencar/Manorhamilton, Bornacoola, St Mary’s

Amhranaíocht: Aughnasheelin, Sean O’Heslin’s, Dromahair, Leitrim Gaels

Ceol: Aughnasheelin, Dromahair, Bornacoola

Aithriseoireacht: Glencar/Manorhamilton, Bornacoola, Aughawillan, St Osnatt’s

Bailéad Ghrúpa: Aughnasheelin, Bornacoola, St Mary’s, Glencar/Manorhamilton

Trath na gCeist: Bornacoola, Fenagh, Glencar/Manorhamilton, St Mary’s

Nuachleas: Aughnasheelin, Fenagh, Bornacoola, Dromahair

Rince Seit: Bornacoola, Glencar/Manorhamilton, Aughnasheelin, Fenagh



12-Mar-07 by Sean O S

There were a large number of applicants for the Leitrim Co Board GAA Gaeltacht Scholarships and a very high standard among the youngsters who attended for interview. There were 14 scholarships in all, and four of these were for people who participated in Scór na nÓg last year.

Buíochas do na buachaillí agus na cailíní go léir a chuir isteach ar na Scolaireachta­ agus comhghairdeas do na buaiteoirí.

Seo iad na daoine a fuair Scolaireachta­ don bhliain seo:

[b]Scolaireachta­ do dhaoine a ghlac páirt i Scór[/b]

Niamh Ní Mháille, Príomh Sráid, Carraig Álainn (€200)
Rodger Baker Kenny, Cill Srianáin, Cora Droma Rúisc (€100)
Cian Mac an Bháird, Corduff, Aughamore, Cora Droma Rúisc (€100)
Eoin McHugh, Killaneen, Béal an Átha Móir (€100)

[b]Scolaireachta­ Eile[/b]

Colm Ó Buacháin, Glencarraig, Cora Droma Rúisc (€250)
Pól Ó Cuirrín, Hartley, Cora Droma Rúisc (€250)
Ciara Nic Uidhir, Lavareen, Achadh Easa (€100)
Máire Ní Raghallaigh, Tulaigh, Béal an Átha Móir (€100)
Alison Nic Eoin, Liscloonadea, Maothail (€100)
Ciarán Mac an Crosáin, Lisconnor, Kilclare (€100)
Giolláin Ní Laodáin, Baile Dubh, Béal an Átha Móir (€100)
Rhona McSharry, Lorgan Bhúi, Cluainín (€100)
Máire Ní Phoniard, Príomh Sráid, Cluainín (€100)
Colm Ó Raghallaigh, Tulaigh, Béal an Átha Móir (€100)



10-Mar-07 by Sean O Suilleabhain

[b]Seachtain na Gaeilge – Tráth na Gceist[/b]

Bhí Tráth na gceisteanna do Sheachtain na Gaeilge ar siúil i Smyth’s Siopa Tae, Béal an Átha Móir ar an Aoine seo caite. The winners were Bornacoola and Fenagh St Caillin’s were in second place. Both teams now go forward to the Connacht Finals in Ballyhanus on Thursday next.

[b]Scór Sinsear[/b]

The two semi-finals of Scór Sinsear Liatroma take place on next weekend. On Friday night Bornacoola is the venue and on Saturday night Drumreilly is the venue. Starting times on both nights is 8.00 sharp.



04-Mar-07 by Sean O Suilleabhain

The two Leitrim entries were unsuccessful at the All Ireland Finals in Athlone on Saturday. Both Aisling Maxwell from Sean O Heslins in the Solo singing and St. Marys in the Ballad Group were considered to be in the final reckoning both neither were lucky enough to be called at the end of the day.

The full list of winners were:

Rince Foirne : Carrigaline, Co Cork

Amhránaíocht : Mullingar Shamrocks, Westmeath

Ceol : Boherbue : Cork

Aithriseoireacht : Mayobridge, Down

Bailíad Ghrúpa : Killyclogher. Tyrone

Trath na gCeist : Beaufort, Kerry

Nuachleas: Carnew Emmets, Wicklow

Rince Seit: Kilcummin, Kerry



18-Feb-07 by Sean O Suilleabhain

Leitrim won two titles at the Connacht Scór na nÓg Finals in Claremorris on Saturday evening.

St Mary?s from Carrick on Shannon won the Ballad Group and Aisling Maxwell from the Ballinamore Se?n O?Heslins club won the Solo Singing. Congratulations to both clubs.

The full list of winners was:

Rince Foirne: Abbeyknockmoy, Galway

Amhrana?ocht : Aisling Maxwell, Se?n O?Heslins, Leitrim

Ceol Uirlise: Ardrahan, Galway

Aithriseoireacht: St Mary?s, Sligo

Bail?ad Ghr?pa: St Mary?s, Leitrim

Trath na gCeist: Ballinameen, Roscommon

Nuachleas: Mountbellew/Moylough, Galway

Rince Seit: Abbeyknockmoy, Galway

The All Ireland Scór na nÓg Finals are in Athlone on Saturday 31 March.



21-Jan-07 by Brendan Doyle – PRO

There has been a big increase in the number of schools participating in Scór na mBunscoileanna this year. Entries are up 50% with sixteen schools about to participate. Since Scór na mBunscoileanna started two years ago it was possible to run it off in one night. However this year there will be two nights of competition and the good news is that Coiste Scór Liatroma have decided that the winners on both nights will get medals. Each night will be run independent of the other, there will be no County Final as such, but the winners of each competition on both nights will receive medals.

This year there will be a plaque for presentation to the best school overall. The plaque has been donated by the MacGiolla Family to commemorate the late Cormac MacGiolla who was the man who initiated Scór na mBunscoileanna just two years ago. Since then it has developed countrywide.

There are two new competitions this year: solo music and solo dance and these have also generated great interest. Each school is being asked to have one person with them who would help at stewarding on the night. Each night will start with Tr?th na gCeisteanna at 6.30 promptly. The other events will start with Rince Foirne at 7.00 sharp. The venues and schools taking part are as follows:

Thursday 9 November in Gortletteragh, starting promptly at 6.30 with Tr?th na gCeisteanna: Cluain?n, Achadh Easa, Maothail, Gort Leitreach, Droim M?le, Barr na Cuille, Carraig ?lainn, Gaelscoil Cora Droma R?isc, Drom?n M?r.

Friday 10 November in Ballinamore, starting promptly at 6.30 with Tr?th na gCeisteanna: Achadh Mhaoileann, Droim Liath, Achadh na Sileann, Cill Tiobraid, Droim Caorthainn, F?onach, Liatroim.

Beidh dh? o?che iontach maith ag lucht leanta Scór Liatroma.



02-Nov-06 by Sean O Suilleabhain

Preparations are now beginning for Scór na nÓg and clubs are being asked to start immediately. As before there will be two semi finals, on Friday 8 and Saturday 9 December, at venues to be arranged.

Scór na nÓg is at a wonderful high level in Leitrim with most clubs taking part. This year the Leitrim Scór committee hopes to see all of the usual clubs putting in the same great effort and hopes also to see other clubs who may not have been there last year take up the effort. It is all a most enjoyable experience and a huge boost to Irish cultural activity in each parish.

Scór na mBunscoileanna

Meanwhile schools are engaged in their preparations for Scór na mBunscoileanna which takes place in just a months time on 9 and 10 November. The closing date for entries is 20 October. Remember this year schools can also enter solo dancers and solo musicians.



17-Oct-06 by Sean O Suilleabhain

[b]Scór na mBunscoileanna[/b]

Preparations are about to begin for Scór na mBunscoileanna in Leitrim. Scór competitions for National Schools have been run very successfully in Leitrim for the past two years. The idea, which was initiated by the late Cormac MacGiolla, has now been taken up by many counties.

Competitions are run in Figure Dance, Set Dance, Solo Singing, Ballad Group, Recitation, Novelty Act, Question Time and Music and the winners in each section receive medals. All pupils attending national school are eligible to compete for their own school.

[b]New Solo Items[/b]

This year a new venture to help the smaller schools is the introduction of Solo Dance and Solo Instrumental Music to the competitions. Many schools may have one young person who can play a musical instrument or one dancer. They can now enter those solo competitions also. It is hoped that many more schools will enter this year in these and other events. The important thing is to get the maximum number of boys and girls taking part. Full details will be sent to schools shortly.

Scór na mBunscoileanna will take place on 9th and 10th November at venues to be arranged.



02-Oct-06 by Sean O Suilleabhain

Heartiest Congratulations to Aughnasheelin who have won an All Ireland Title in the Ballad Group section this evening at the Scór Sinsear Finals in Killarney.

Aughnasheelin are very deserving of their All Ireland title. They have been outstanding in Bail?ad Ghr?pa for a long number of years. Four times in the last five years they have reached the All Ireland Finals. They have been close on all those occasions and could make the break through on this occasion.

Their singers are: C?it Cullen, Sin?ad Egan, S?le McNulty, Brendan and Declan Sammon.

Well done also to Glencar Manor and Bornacoola clubs for making the finals and giving Leitrim supporters lots to cheer about.

Once again congratulations to Aughnasheelin – no doubt but there will be big celebrations for the Winners on their home coming tomorrow !



22-Apr-06 by Brendan Doyle

It will be a big occasion for Leitrim Scór in the Gleneagle Hotel in Killarney on Saturday next when no less than four items take the stage in pursuit of All Ireland honours. Glencar/Manorhamilton, Aughnasheelin and Bornacoola are the clubs involved. All of them are no strangers to the All Ireland scene and two of them have tasted All Ireland success already.

It isn?t unusual for Leitrim to have four items in the All Ireland Finals. They had four items in last year?s finals and in fact for three years in a row, 1998, 1999 and 2000; Leitrim had four items on the stage. The outcome varied. In 1999 in the Ulster Hall in Belfast, Leitrim won no less than three All Ireland titles. On that occasionÓglencar/Manorhamilton won the Rince Foirne, Aidan Dockery from Bornacoola won the Aithriseoireacht and Carrigallen won the Nuachleas. By coincidence, two of these clubs are back in the same events: Glencar/Manorhamilton and Aidan Dockery. In 1998 and 2000, Leitrim were not so lucky as none of their four items won. Last year Fenagh won in the Nuachleas.

Glencar/Manorhamilton are always strong in Rince Foirne. As last week?s Leitrim Observer indicated in a fine article on the club?s Scór history, they have won the County title in this discipline on 21 occasions and have won in Connacht on 13 occasions. They won the All Ireland twice, in 1993 and 1999. This is their fourth year in a row in the Finals and they could do it this time. They certainly are wonderful performers and with Clair McMorrow at the helm nothing will be left undone in their quest for the honours. Their dancers are: Nicole O?Hara, Amanda Sweeney, Michelle Kelly, Ciara Flynn, Aidan McLoughlin, Michael J Rooney, Craig and Emmet McMorrow.

Bornacoola are another of Leitrim?s great Scór clubs. After a relatively quite period they were back in Scór big this year. However, it was during a period of relatively less participation that their first ever All Ireland title came when Aidan Dockery won in the Ulster Hall in Belfast in 1999 in recitation. Aidan is back again and will make a bold bid for another title. Bornacoola are also competing in the Trath na gCeist. Aidan Dockery, Marie Therese Dockery and Liam Rabbitte will take some beating. As is happens, Bornacoola were competing in these two events in 1999 when they won the Recitation but lost the Question Time.

Aughnasheelin would richly deserve an All Ireland title at this stage. They have been outstanding in Bail?ad Ghr?pa for a long number of years. Four times in the last five years they have reached the All Ireland Finals. They have been close on all those occasions and could make the break through on this occasion. Their singers are: C?it Cullen, Sin?ad Egan, S?le McNulty, Brendan and Declan Sammon.

A large number of supporters will be traveling to Killarney and we hope that All Ireland titles will be coming back to Leitrim on Sunday morning. T? seans maith go mbeidh ceann n? dh? ar a laghad.



21-Apr-06 by Sean O Suilleabhain

[b]Leitrim?s night in Connacht Scór[/b]

Once again it was Leitrim?s night in the Connacht Scór Finals when they won four of the eight events in Tubbercurry last night.

Bornacoola had a double win with Aidan Dockery winning the Recitation and the club also won the Tr?th na gCeist. Aughnasheelin won the Ballad Group and Glencar/Manorhamilton won the Rince Foirne. The high standard of Scór in Leitrim was evident in those wins as the other titles went to Galway with two wins and Roscommon and Sligo one each.

The full results were as follows:

Rince Foirne ? Figure Dance : [b]Glencar/Manorhamilton, Leitrim[/b]

Amhr?na?ocht ? Solo Singing : Na Piarsaigh, Galway

Ceol Uirlise ? Instrumental Music : Eastern Harps., Sligo

Aithriseoireacht ? Recitation : [b]Bornacoola, Leitrim[/b]

Bail?ad Ghr?pa ? Ballad Group ; [b]Aughnasheelin, Leitrim[/b]

Trath na gCeist ? Question Time : [b]Bornacoola, Leitrim[/b]

Nuachleas ? Novelty act ; Mountbellew/Moylough : Galway

Rince Seit ? Set Dance : Naomh Dominic, Roscommon.

The All Ireland Finals are in Killarney on 22 April



27-Mar-06 by Scor Sinsear

[b]Leitrim Scór Finals [/b]

The Leitrim County Finals of Scór Sinsear took place Saturday night in the Bee Park Centre in Manorhamilton. There was a big crowd present and a wonderful night?s entertainment on stage.

The big winners on the night were the Aughnasheelin and Bornacoola clubs who won three titles each. The other two winners were Glencar/Manorhamilton and Leitrim Gaels.

The winners in [b]Figure Dance[/b] were [b]Glencar/Manorhamilton[/b]

In [b]Solo Singing, Ann Whitne[/b] y from [b]Leitrim Gaels[/b] was the winner. This was a historic win as it was Leitrim Gaels first ever county title in Scór at any level.

[b]Instrumental Music[/b] was won by [b]Aughnasheelin[/b]. This was Aughnasheelin?s first time ever to win the Music title.

[b]Recitation[/b]: The winner was [b]Bornacoola?s Aidan Dockery[/b]

[b]Aughnasheelin[/b] won the [b]Ballad Group[/b] title for the seventh successive year. Indeed Aughnasheelin have reached the All Ireland Final for the last three years.

In [b]Trath na gCeist, Bornacoola[/b] took the title with a narrow win over neighbours Annaduff.

[b]Aughnasheelin[/b] won their third title of the night in [b]Novelty Act[/b]. It is thirty years since Aughnasheelin last won a Novelty Act title in Leitrim.

Finally the [b]Rince Seit[/b] went to [b]Bornacoola[/b]. Bornacoola were famous for their set dancers in the 1980s and 1990s so it was wonderful to see them back winning a county title again.

[b]Club na Bliana[/b]: The club of the year award went to the [b]Bornacoola[/b] club who were represented in seven of the eight events in the County Final.

[b] The Connacht Finals are in Tubbercurry on Sunday 26 March. [/b]



13-Mar-06 by Sean O Suilleabhain, Leitrim Scor